Playdate OS 2.0 + Group 4 shipping

Playdate OS 2.0 + Group 4 shipping

June 15, 2023

We have two important pieces of Playdate news for you today:

Playdate OS 2.0 is out

There’s an update to your Playdate’s operating system! You can get it by going into Settings > System. This improves a few things and lays a foundation for the future.

One big change in Playdate OS 2.0 is the new list view on the Home screen. In addition to the big, expressive cards showing off each game’s “box art,” you can switch to a compact list view with icons. Just bring up the system Menu to switch.

P.S. You may notice game updates rolling out from our developers as they rebuild their games for OS 2.0.

Group 4 Playdates are shipping!

After a challenging adventure, we’re very excited to announce that Group 4 Playdate systems are headed out the door. Four hundred of them, in fact, went out in the first day!

We’ll continue to ship them gradually over time and keep a close eye on any possible bugs or issues as we go.

More than anything else, we profoundly appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding while we prepared this group, and we’re so very happy that more people will now get to enjoy Season One (and everything in Catalog!). Thank you for being excited about Playdate!