Playdate Update, October 2024
October 31, 2024
It’s a big day for Playdate news. We have three exciting things to share. The first is a new Playdate Update video, featuring some wonderful upcoming games and news. Give it a watch!
The second announcement is that the Catalog Fall Sale starts… today! The sale runs October 31, 10 AM PT through November 14, 10 AM PT. Over 160 games will be discounted for two weeks. Check in every now and then to see which ones we’re featuring on the front page!

Finally, the Playdate Update above reveals this, and here it is again:
There will be a Season 2 of Playdate Games in 2025 ✌️
We’ll tell you more about it as we get closer — for now, we can say that this season will include about a dozen brand new games, delivered on a schedule, just like Season 1. It’ll be a lot of fun.
In the meantime, check out the Playdate Update to learn about new games, and pick up some classics in the Catalog Fall Sale.