Playdate is now shipping
April 18, 2022
Playdates in Group One will begin shipping… today.

You’ll be emailed the moment your Playdate ships. We’ll ramp up our shipping volume every day to make sure all of our systems are working smoothly. We think we can get Group One out the door during the next month. And remember, your season of games begins when you set up your Playdate.
(Yes, Group Two, you’re next. We’ll have more news for you in the future about estimates and details.)
And that’s not all—we have another surprise! A new Playdate Update video is here!!
It recaps all of the great developer things we’ve done this year — Pulp and the Playdate SDK. Please enjoy it.
Let’s take a small moment, together, to celebrate a huge, unbelievable moment in our long, fun adventure…
Playdate is shipping.